
Description (Update Company Domain)

Update the domain name of the company for using online gateways (PUT)

End Point{{domain_id}}


# Name Type Description
1 domain_id String Company Domain's ID

Request Header

Request Header
# Key Value Description
1 Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} Login Token


# Name Type Description
1 domain Url Domain of the company
Should be in URL format and at least 10 characters (Max: 100 characters)
2 name String name of the company domain
3 type Integer Domain Type
1: web
2: app
4 return_url String (Optional) Redirect URL when the payment is finished
if type = WEB, only HTTP and HTTPS scheme URL allowed
if type = APP, custom scheme is allowed


# Name Type Description
1 success Boolean Show Company Domain Success or Fail
2 data Array Include all domain Information (company_id etc...)

Success Response - data

Success Response - data
# Name Type Description
1 id String Unique identifier of the domain
2 company_id String Unique identifier of the company
3 store_id String Unique identifier of the store
4 protocol String Protocol of the domain
5 domain String Domain of the company
6 name String Name (Description) of the domain
7 type Integer Domain Type
1: web
2: app
8 status String Domain Status: pending, activated, disabled, rejected, obsoleted, terminated
9 created_at String Datetime when the Company Domain was created
10 updated_at String Datetime when the Company Domain was updated lastly

Example Success Response

                "success": true,
"data": {
                    "id": "2NMJVPOMG5YO70RL8W",
                    "company_id": "8YN319ZP780OX2DJ7P",
                    "store_id": "03QYVJKQJ64ZN8LM51",
                    "protocol": "http",
                    "domain": "",
                    "name": "xxxxxxxx",
                    "type": 2,
                    "created_at": 2024-04-16 17:06:47
                    "updated_at": 2024-04-16 17:06:47

Example Error Response

        "success": false,
        "message": "Unauthenticated.",
        "status": 500

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