
Description (Create Transaction)

Create Transactions for The gateways. (POST)

  • * Alipay, VISA, MasterCard, WeChatPay and UnionPay

End Point{{store_id}}


# Name Type Description
1 store_id String Store's ID

Request Header

Request Header
# Key Value Description
1 Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} Login Token
2 Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded x-www-form-urlencoded Format


# Name Type Description
1 gateway_code String (1_1 - Alipay, 7_1 - VISA Offline, 7_2 - MasterCard Offline, 8_1 - WeChatPay, 9_1 - UnionPay Online, 10_1 - UnionPay EMV Code, 11_1 - UnionPay POS,
12_1 - VISA Online, 12_2 - Mastercard Online)
2 amount Numeric String Transaction Amount (Maximum 2 decimal places)
3 currency String Transaction currency
4 token Numeric String Token Generated in Device of Client (alipay app)
5 extra_parameters String (optional) Be used for send custom information; information shall be written in the format of Json with and max lenght of 200 characters, Nested JSON is not supported.
6 custom_id String(36) (optional) Unique ID Send By Customer, only letters and numbers, underscore and dash are accepted. Maximum length: 36
7 transaction_id String (optional) Unique Transaction ID received from Initializing Transaction Response
8 device_token String (optional) token generated by device
9 device_platform String (optional) (required with device_token) platform to send notification (android, ios)
10 device_provider String (optional) (required with device_token) Provider of device's notification ('jpush', 'fcm')


Table Information
# Name Type Description
1 success Boolean The request is received without error.
2 data Array Include transaction's information (id, user_id, company_id etc..)

Success Response - data

Table Information
# Name Type Description
1 id String(64) Id of the transaction
2 user_id String(64) Id of the user who create the transaction
3 company_id String(64) Id of the Company
4 store_id String(64) Id of the Store
5 gateway_id Integer Id of the Gateway used to Generate the transaction
6 gateway_sub_id Integer Id of gateway subtype, default 1
7 gateway_sub_name String(65,535) Name of the gateway subtype
8 gateway_code String {{gateway_id}}_{{gateway_sub_id}}
- 1_1 - Alipay
- 4_1 - Alipay Online, 4_2 - Alipay Online PC2Mobile, 4_3 - Alipay Online SDK
- 7_1 - VISA, 7_2 - Mastercard
- 8_1 - WeChat Pay, 8_2 - WeChat Pay Online, 8_3 - WeChat Pay Online SDK
- 9_1 - UnionPay ExpressPay, 9_2 - UnionPay ExpressPay CN, 9_5 - UnionPay UPOP, 9_6 - UnionPay QR
- 10_1 - UnionPay Merchant Presented Code, 10_2 - UnionPay Customer Presented Code
- 11_1 - UnionPay POS, 11_2 - UnionPay POS V2
- 12_1 - VISA Online, 12_2 - Mastercard Online, 12_3 - Google Pay, 12_4 - Apple Pay
- 13_1 - HSBC FPS Online, 13_2 - HSBC FPS Offline
9 barcode_id String(64) Id of the Barcode uset to generate the transaction (only apply for alipay Global)
10 payment_link_id String(64) (optinal) Id of the Pay Link
11 status String Status of the transaction
12 amount String(15) Amount of the transaction
13 currency String(3) Currency of the transaction
14 charge String(15) Total of charge fee for the transaction
15 refunded String(15) Refunded Amount of the Transaction
16 refund_charge String(15) Refund Charge of the Transaction
17 net String(15) Net Amount of the Transaction
18 tips String(15) Tips Amount of the Transaction
19 forex Double Forex
20 paid_at Datetime Date when the transaction was paid "YYYY-mm-dd h:i:s"
21 can_settle_after Datetime Date when the transaction balance will be settled "YYYY-mm-dd h:i:s"
22 is_balance_settled Boolean The transaction balance is settled or not
23 settled_at Datetime Date when the transaction was settled "YYYY-mm-dd h:i:s"
24 transaction_id String(15) Unique transaction identifier of Yedpay
25 reference_id String(191) Transaction identifier of the Gateway Provider
26 payer String Email of the payer (Alipay Global)
27 buyer_id String Buyer identity (Alipay Global)
28 wallet_type String(20) Wallet type of the transaction (Applicable for Alipay and WeChatPay)
29 extra_parameters String(65,535) (optional) Custom information send by customer
30 custom_id String(36) (optional) Custom Id Send By Customer
31 fixed_id String(64) (optional) Id of the Fixed Code
32 refunded_at Datetime Date when the transaction was Refunded "YYYY-mm-dd h:i:s"
33 created_at Datetime Date when the transaction was created "YYYY-mm-dd h:i:s"
34 updated_at Datetime Date when the was Updated "YYYY-mm-dd h:i:s"
35 expired_at Datetime (optional) Date when the transaction Expire "YYYY-mm-dd h:i:s"
36 pin_key String (optional) PIN Key for pin encryption (Applicable for UnionPay POS and precreated transaction status)
37 _links Array Include Checkout and QRCode Links:
- checkout
- qrcode
- (alipay online) checkout_wap
- (alipay online) checkout_code
- (alipay online) qrcode_wap
38 cancellation_details Array (exists if status is cancelled) Information of cancellation (request_user_id: The User who sent request,
first_name: First name of the user,
last_name: Last name of the user
remark: reason of the sending request)
39 refund_details Array (exists if status is refunded) Information of refund (request_user_id: The User who sent request,
first_name: First name of the user,
last_name: Last name of the user
remark: reason of the sending request)
40 fail_details Array (exists if status is failed) Information of failed transaction (request_user_id: The User who sent request,
first_name: First name of the user,
last_name: Last name of the user
remark: reason of the sending request)

Example Success Response

                "success": true,
                "data": {
                    "id": "xXxXxXxXxXXxXx",
                    "user_id": "xXxXxXxXxXXxXx",
                    "company_id": "xXxXxXxXxXXxXx",
                    "store_id": "xXxXxXxXxXXxXx",
                    "gateway_id": 1,
                    "gateway_sub_id": 1,
                    "gateway_sub_name": "Alipay",
                    "gateway_code": "1_1",
                    "barcode_id": "xXxXxXxXxXXxXx",
                    "status": "paid",
                    "amount": "10.00",
                    "currency": "HKD",
                    "charge": 1.20,
                    "refunded": "0.00",
                    "refund_charge": "0.00",
                    "net": "9.75",
                    "tips": "0.00",
                    "forex": 1,
                    "paid_at": "2018-11-20 14:06:45",
                    "can_settle_after": "2018-11-21 00:00:00",
                    "is_balance_settled": true,
                    "settled_at": "",
                    "transaction_id": "xXxXxXxXxXXxXx",
                    "reference_id": "xXxXxXxXxXXxXx",
                    "payer": "",
                    "buyer_id": "",
                    "wallet_type": "",
                    "extra_parameters": "{\"extra_1\": \"value_1\", \"extra_2\": \"value_2\",  \"extra_3\": \"value_3\", \"extra_4\": \"value_4\"}",
                    "custom_id": "XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx",
                    "fixed_id": "",
                    "refunded_at": "",
                    "created_at": "2018-11-20 14:06:45",
                    "updated_at": "2018-11-20 14:06:45",
                    "expired_at": "2018-11-21 14:06:45",
                    "_links": [
                            "rel": "checkout",
                            "href": ""
                            "rel": "qrcode",
                            "href": ""


The status of the transaction will be pending if the ALIPAY USER don't complete the transaction.
The transaction will be closed after 90 seconds if the ALIPAY USER don't finish the payment of the transaction.
Can be requested the status of the transaction any time using{{id_transaction}}
*id_transaction is the id of the response.

Error Response - data

Error Response - data
# Name Type Description
1 success Boolean False
2 message String Message of the Error
3 status Integer Code Status

* Possible of Error Response

* Possible of Error Response
# Status Code Error Message Description
1 500 server_error Internal Error
2 400 TRADE_HAS_CLOSE Corresponding trade is closed, is not allowed for current operation.
3 400 BUYER_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH The buyer’s Alipay account do not have enough balance for current operation.
4 400 TOTAL_FEE_EXCEED Trade amount is exceed the limit.
5 400 BUYER_BANKCARD_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH The buyer’s bank account do not have enough balance for current operation.
6 400 PAYMENT_FAIL The transaction is failed.
7 400 MOBILE_PAYMENT_SWITCH_OFF The buyer switch off her/his mobile pay function, so we cannot do the operation.
8 400 BUYER_PAYMENT_AMOUNT_DAY_LIMIT_ERROR Total trade amount for the buyer is exceed user daily max-amount limit.
9 400 BUYER_PAYMENT_AMOUNT_MONTH_LIMIT_ERROR Total trade amount for the buyer is exceed user monthly max-amount limit.
10 400 ERROR_BALANCE_PAYMENT_DISABLE The buyer switch off her/his balance payment function, so we cannot do the operation.
11 400 BEYOND_PAY_RESTRICTION The payment limit exceeded.
12 400 Default Error Message The transaction is failed. Please try again.
13 400 Query Exception Query Exception. Please try again.

Example Error Response

            Response for BUYER_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH:
                "success": false,
                "message": "The buyer’s Alipay account do not have enough balance for current operation.",
                "status": 400
            Response for Internal Error:
                "success": false,
                "message": "Internal Error",
                "status": 500

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