
Description (Show EMV Code List)

Show all of the EMV Code List (GET)

Can include the follow parameters separated by comma "," adding the parameter "include" in the url to get more information:

  • * company - provides the company info
  • * store - provides the store info


End Point

Request Header

Request Header
# Key Value Description
1 Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} Login Token


# Name Type Description
1 success Boolean Show EMV Code List Success or Fail
2 data Array Include all EMV Code List Information (company_id etc...)
3 meta Array Include all Pagination's Information (total, count, total_pages, etc..)

Success Response - data

Success Response - data
# Name Type Description
1 id String Unique identifier of the EMV Code
2 company_id String Unique identifier of the company
3 store_id String Unique identifier of the store
4 store_name String Name of the store
5 name String Name of the EMV Code
6 amount Float Amount of the EMV Code
(Fixed amount EMV Code if the amount is not 0)
7 support_gateway String the EMV Code's support gateways
(1: Alipay, 8: Wechat Pay, 10: UnionPay QR)
8 value String Value of the EMV Code
9 status Integer status of the EMV Code
(0: Disabled 1: Enabled)
10 _links Array Include Links for:
- checkout
- qrcode
11 created_at String Datetime when the EMV Code was created
12 updated_at String Datetime when the EMV Code was updated lastly

Example Success Response

                "success": true,
                "data": [
                        "id": "P5631VZGDM3ZN94JDX",
                        "company_id": "R350MQONYJVKEJDYL4",
                        "store_id": "6PEQD4O46NLK5VY8W3",
                        "store_name": "test store name",
                        "name": "test emv code name",
                        "amount": "0.00",
                        "support_gateway": "1,8,10",
                        "value": "xxx",
                        "status": 1,
                        "created_at": 2024-04-26 07:31:03,
                        "updated_at": 2024-04-26 07:31:03,
                        "_links": {
                            "checkout": "xxx",
                            "qrcode": "xxx"
                        "id": "03QYVJKQ6V5KN8LM51",
                        "company_id": "MJ86QYO39GDOEP3RG5",
                        "store_id": "8YN319ZPG03ZX2DJ7P",
                        "store_name": "test store name",
                        "name": "test emv code name",
                        "amount": "10.00",
                        "support_gateway": "1,8,10",
                        "value": "xxx",
                        "status": 1,
                        "created_at": 2024-04-26 07:31:03,
                        "updated_at": 2024-04-26 07:31:03,
                        "_links": {
                            "checkout": "xxx",
                            "qrcode": "xxx"
                "meta": {
                    "pagination": {
                        "total": 2,
                        "count": 2,
                        "per_page": 40,
                        "current_page": 1,
                        "total_pages": 1,
                        "links": []

Example Error Response

        "success": false,
        "message": "Unauthenticated.",
        "status": 500

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