
Description (Create Store)

Create a store which related with that company. (POST)

End Point{{company_id}}/stores


# Name Type Description
1 company_id String Company's ID

Request Header

Request Header
# Key Value Description
1 Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} Login Token
2 Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded x-www-form-urlencoded Format


# Name Type Description
1 name String Store's Name
2 phone String (Optional) Store's Phone
3 address String (Optional) Store's Address
4 logo Integer (Optional) Store's Logo
5 type Integer (Optional) Store Type
(default type = 1 [Offline Store])
6 domain Url (require if type = 2 [Online Store]) Domain of the company
Should be in URL format and at least 10 characters (Max: 100 characters)
7 protocol String (require if type = 2 [Online Store]) Domain protocol (http, https)
8 domain_name String (optional if type = 2 [Online Store]) name of the company domain
9 domain_type Integer (optional if type = 2 [Online Store]) Domain Type
1: web
2: app
10 return_url String (optional if type = 2 [Online Store]) Redirect URL when the payment is finished
if type = WEB, only HTTP and HTTPS scheme URL allowed
if type = APP, custom scheme is allowed
11 district_id Integer (optional if type = 1 [Offline Store]) Unique Identifier of the District


# Name Type Description
1 success Boolean Create Store Success or Fail
2 message String Success or Fail Message

Success Response - data

Success Response - data
# Name Type Description
1 id String Id of the Store
2 company_id String Id of the Company
3 company_name String Name of the Company
4 name String Name of the Store
5 english_name String English Name of the Store
6 phone String Phone of the Store
7 district_id Integer Unique Identifier of the District
8 address String Address of the Store
9 store_identifier String Store Identifier
10 type Integer Store Type:
11 logo String Logo of the Store
12 logo_url String Url of the Logo
13 created_at String Date when the Store was created "YYYY-mm-dd h:i:s"

Example Success Response

                "success": true,
                "data": {
                    "id": "KzoONpJE",
                    "company_id": "IJ2QE9Q",
                    "company_name": "xxxx",
                    "name": "xxxx",
                    "english_name": "xxxx",
                    "phone": "xxxx",
                    "district_id": 1,
                    "address": "xxxx",
                    "store_identifier": "LZXE",
                    "type": 1,
                    "logo": "xxxx",
                    "logo_url": "xxxx",
                    "created_at": "2099-01-02 12:00:00"

Example Error Response

                "success": false,
                "message": "Unauthenticated.",
                "status": 500

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